Interview with Tommy Tomimbang band #2 and Don Cole #2 3/29/87

Interview with Tommy Tomimbang and band recorded on March 29, 1987 conducted by Emme Tomimbang and Chris Conybeare for Music from Filipino Camp. Topics include Tomimbang's interest in radio broadcasting; Emme's singing; a band member's personal mandolin. The interviewers direct the last questions to the bass player about his band and his favorite kind of music. The second part of the tape includes an interview with Don Cole filmed at the same location, with topics including how he started playing; the Black and White Orchestra on Kauaʻi and other bands he followed; playing for the senior citizens.

Languages: English


  • Public affairs

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.