Hot Hawaiian Nights, ʻElua Kane, 10/18/1995

Hot Hawaiian Nights with ʻElua Kane (Damien Farden and Tau Greig with Ken Makuakane and Paul Kim). Recorded live at the KHNL studios on October 18, 1995. Songs performed: Paniolo Huʻihuʻi E, Tuila, Jesus Loves Loves Me / Golden Stallion, Goodnight Leilani E, The Eating of the Poi, and Kai I Ka Hoe / Molokaʻi Hoe. With dancers Ilima Greig and Zoanne Roche.

Languages: English


  • Music

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.