Rice & Roses #1407 : Ready for Work

Narrated by Chris Conybeare, this episode of Rice & Roses looks at several different programs in the state of Hawaiʻi that seek to benefit workers with special needs. Topics covered include: on-the-job training, stereotyping of people with disabilities, the work ethic of the clients involved in the programs, and employer benefits for hiring the clients from these programs. Includes soundbites and interviews with Kathy Campbell, Masae Choy, George Y. Omura, Ed.D, Albert Cabatingan, Jim Prairie, Curtis Jaber, Susanna Cheung, Gordon Hentschel, Phyllis A. Meighen, Belle Collins, Judy Canright, Gerri Lee, Adele Kaopuiki, Gerald Yap, Spencer J. Leech Jr., Tom Saka, Stanley S. Wachi, Valentine Siefermann, Kenneth Kaneshiro, and Chuck Marshall. Aired June 25, 1984.

Languages: English


  • Documentary

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