Rice & Roses #1315 : Hideo "Major" Okada

Rice & Roses presents a poignant biographical sketch of the late Hideo "Major" Okada who was a sugar worker, a labor union organizer, an active member of the Democratic Party and who made several contributions in improving the community as well as the lives of the people of Waipahu. Aired on May 9, 1983. Includes interviews and comments from Robert E. Gibson, Dr. Mary Bitterman, Yasutada Sato, Johnny Villanueva, Hideo "Major" Okada, Zacarias Mejia, Joe Konno, Dr. Franklin Odo, Linda L.N. Oamilda, Johnson Pang, Andy Anderson, and Glenn K. Okada.

Languages: English


  • Documentary

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.