Biographical Research Center

Interview with Mari Matsuda 8/15/2002 tape 1

Interview with Harriet Bouslog biographer and retired University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa Law Professor Mari Matsuda, recorded on August 15, 2002 for Biography Hawaiʻi: Harriet Bouslog. Topics include: the type of place Hawaiʻi was, socio-economically, when Bouslog first arrived in 1939, her previous training and personal experiences on the continental U.S. that prepared her for her subsequent law career in Hawaiʻi, the issues and law cases in the 1930s that were influential in shaping her responses to labor issues in Hawaiʻi, the importance of literature and writing to her, the imposition of martial law in Hawaiʻi in the 1940s and Bouslog's reaction to it, her time and experience in Washington, D.C. and how Hawaiʻi changed in the seven years she was there, her impact on the constitution of juries and her employment of habeas corpus in cases involving the I.L.W.U. (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) rank and file, how Bouslog related to these same rank and file members, how her "patrician" personal style worked for her in her legal practice, the circumstances and significance of the Majors-Palakiko case, and the reasons behind Bouslog's strong commitment to it.

Languages: English


  • Public affairs

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.