Hawaiʻi Congressional Media

Senate debate on Bill 1009 Wartime Internment Reparations 4/21/1988 tape 4

Senate debate on Bill 1009 related to wartime internment reparations recorded on April 21, 1988. The bill would give reparations and compensation to indigenous Aleuts and Japanese who were interned in concentration camps during WWII. Includes speeches given by Senator John Warner (VA), Senator Chic Hecht (NV), Senator Harry Reid (NV), Senator Jesse Helms (NC), and Senator John Chafee (RI). Senator Spark M. Matsunaga introduced the bill and makes comments during the debate.

Languages: English


  • Public affairs

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.