Hawaiian Legacy Foundation: Eddie & Myrna Kamae

Interview with Kahu David Kawika Kaʻalakea in Kīpahulu 6/10/92 tape 4

Continued interview with Kahu David Kawika Kaʻalakea from title 24878 and recorded in Kīpahulu on June 10, 1992 for the documentary "Hawaiian Voices: Bridging Past to Present." Interview in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language). In this interview Kahu Kaʻalakea talks about his musical band created after World War II; traveling to perform at hotels, parties, and other places; and the good times and the bad times of those days. Kahu Kaʻalakea also shares about becoming a kahu (reverend) in the church.

Languages: Hawaiian


  • Public affairs

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.