Hawaiian Legacy Foundation: Eddie & Myrna Kamae

Scenics of ʻauwai and loʻi at Ukumehame and interview with John Kaaea 12/6/1999

Continued from 27217, scenic footage and interview with John Kaaea recorded in Ukumehame on December 6, 1999 for the documentary "Lahaina: Waves of Change." Scenic footage includes Kaaea's daughter, Naomi Kaaea, walking along an ʻauwai and clearing branches and debris; shots of the mountains of Ukumehame; and the loʻi (taro patches) in Ukumehame valley. Kaaea talks about hiking with his brother on the mountain ridges in 1940; the eagle on the side of the mountain; and Humehume Kaniho being the best goat hunter of his time.

Languages: English


  • Documentary

This has been a small clip of the full video available. For more information about this title and the materials associated with it, please contact the archive.